International mobility of employees

We do not envisage any HR system to eliminate the need for the exchange of spreadsheets, email communications and documents. However, we can minimize this information flow with the help of digital transformation. We have developed a CLOUD database management system for managing global mobility integrated with simple APPs to interact with employees and suppliers.


Background for the establishment of SWAIRI

Employment of competent staff across national borders increases in complexity as local authorities introduce new legislation; imposing taxes on business trips and imposing mandatory social security schemes for foreigners and so on, while companies work hard to find answers and reduce as much uncertainty as possible.

Satisfying the authority’s reporting requirements is therefore a challenge for both employer and employee, as decisions taken today can have consequences tomorrow or even several years into the future. Therefore, careful risk management in collaboration with customers is one of SWAIRI’s focus areas

The need for information for various processes throughout the life cycle is great. Our goal is that the new tools described here should offer the companies clarity and simplicity so that all stakeholders involved in Global Mobility Management will be able to deliver information against clear requirements.

Telephone: +47 221 50 050
Address: Storgata 7, 2000 Lillestrøm
Organization no.: 917 847 320

Swairi Global collaboration system
Outsource the entire process
Check your numbers – simple calculations
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